Monday 31 May 2010

Quick update..I am working towards my second show which is where I want to showcase my new collection. I have on the other hand designed other stuff inbetween (cos I am a geek like that!) They were quick to why not?

I have to finish this comeptition today and then I am going to have a well deserved rest...tired!

I made this one for my holiday to portugal..but then I didnt end up wearing it...maybe another time!
This design is my actually first small earring..mmm..about 9mm long and 5mm wide.. :)
Yea for me!
I have others but havent taken any photos..but I will do them in due course.

Thursday 13 May 2010

So I have made these quick mock ups- which I wore out and I think they are too cool. Modifications will be made..

Im soo excited! The more designs that get out of my head..more takes it place!..its not easy!

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Ahh back to reality....Thats EXACTLY what I needed!
Portugal is a nice place but I dont think I will be going back there again. I got a few inspirations but I will have to save those for later on this year. I have sooo much to do its serious!
Here are some interesting findings which got my noggin ticking:

Back to zeke...
I think I am in that moment where everything is a bit tumbleweedy.. transition stages are so nerve wracking!
But I just have to stay focused and keep on visualizing the end goal. I had a lovely holiday which made me for a moment stop worrying about what next. So that was sooo good!
Tomorrow evening I am going to buy some materials for my new collection and finish off my sketches for my photoshoot... what I am imagining I am not sure i can convey on paper..but I will try!