Monday 27 September 2010

What a time...I am in a state of huh? and yes!!..wierd but thats how one feels. Aquiring models is not an easy thing..its like catching pokemon or something! u have to really battle with them before you can get them..into your little poke Some of them have photos which are not recent so when I see them they may have new tattoos, one side of their hair shaved off! its all very emotional! to models: update the profile pic..then it jst makes life easier for you and for the designer..deception is not cool.

I have a really cool MJ section to the shoot which I am excited about gotta choreograph the the well known stances..models have their work cut out!lol
just making final dicisions with this really cool and unusual photography. Some dude said my jewellery was wierd and the antonym of weird is normal..pff..who is normal! I think people attain to be normal..and some people get straight As. Well that will be all for now..just bought me some new long nosed!

RIP M.J me love yuh like sunday dinner.. :) musical genius...

Sunday 19 September 2010


Today I have been designing and creating and things are looking beautiful. I really cannot wait for my photoshoot I am planning as much as I can so that all risk are minimized..but one thing I can say...*emotional moment* is that doing it by yourself can be draining. I am a very independant person and probably a bit too self sufficient but at times alot of this can get ontop...I am working full time as well. trying to get all my designs together and looking EXCELLENT before the 30 OCTOBER. I have made some Micheal Jackson inspired styles..look great but I feel that my brain is doing over time and I cant stop it! I wish there was a way to filofax your this was just an emotional rant but I am definitely going to need helpers to help me out..cos to get this done well and finished by end of october and still be sane I need a little help from my good friends and family. so im gonna JUST.DO.IT

Saturday 11 September 2010

I have a new logo and a new look :) I think ZEKE needed one. Over last 2 months I have engaged with many interesting people and opportunities however...I did have heightened expectation for ZEKE so very soon. The 'this is it!' moment..and then it doesnt fall through. meh..whatever. I redrafting my designs and as I continue to design I realised how more refined they are getting. I mentioned doing a project that creates a combination of crochet africianprint inspiration. This idea..i researched and designed and have come up with something really cool..particulary for the dudes. I never saw that coming at all! I am really excited about but whilst doing that I end getting idea from other random places also!! so I give myself even more
work to do.The image above is called 'Banana bunches'. I am in the making of designing the necklace and bracelet. The thing I like about this design is that because it is made out of paper the weight on the earlobe is not uncomfortable...This has given me more ideas...!! being a creative minded individual isnt always easy. seriously my room is like covered with light bulb moments and inspirations. Designing may be a little bit more of a strain as I am back into full time work as an architectural assistant(love my job) and so...the evenings are emotional. Today 'banana bunch' MAY put my earring through for a page in the pride magazine...they are going for a tribal look so..i think 'banana bunch' may be adequate for the job. fingers crossed.
CALLING ALL STYLIST: if you like my stuff contact me...I dont bite.. :) well thats all for now.
I hope to message back with good news.